Day to day musings of a cat minder/ sitter in North Tyneside and Newcastle upon Tyne . For details of services go to

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Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Brown Scufflers

I took a packet of bread buns out this morning to make Nat's sandwich and found the name on the packet: Brown Scufflers. Sounded like a very good description of our TinyChums (Copywright@TheTiniestVole). I couldn't help smiling . At the minute everything seems to point to my complicity in the likely  demise of Mr Rat and his Gang .

RatWatch continued over the weekend while we waited the arrival of Envirolink .

I was begged by one friend to try a humane trap and I hoped that the council would assist us by humanely trapping our unwelcome visitors and letting them go in some neighbouring park . In my heart I knew that on a scale of one to ten of liklihood it was probably at a minus four.

Everyone seemed to have a view about RatWatch .

From initially being an OverBench Rat , Mr R soon made the transition to FloorRat , presumably after the FaceOff with Kitty . We had a feeling about this after Kitty changed into the Subdued Timid Mog who no longer wished to be first into the CatFood at breakfast time and  preferred to wait for us .

We began to think we had a gang after seeing the vast quantities of catfood that was polished off at one sitting . And the footprints. The footprints! Which RatMan informs us are in fact WhiskerMarks left by rats who are short sighted and have to woffle their way around . Our lovely china cat bowl was covered in whisker marks .

Anyway , as I write , things have moved on apace .
I myself have now met RatMan , who is called Russell . I dont know why that should strike me as so funny .
Russell was smartly dressed in council attire , workaday uniform of the navy army surplus wear variety but with a tie , and with wellies and a beanie hat due to the snowdrifts . He carried a tupperware box full of "the stuff" . I cannot bear to describe any of the information he gave me about what is happening and will happen .
I am too full of guilt .

Traps are not permitted in case the men nip their fingers " health and safety " .
Russell was not allowed to pull out the big fridge freezer " political correctness you know" he said somewhat enigmatically , asking me to do it .  No Russell I wanted to say . Political correctness is about not causing offence . The council are making sure they don't have to pay out if you hurt your back .I think he was embarrassed, at having to ask me to do it . I was after all marginally smaller than him , and  female to boot .
Anyway eventually the deed was re done .

Now we wait . Again .

I am expecting a Smell .


Laura said...

I fear Kitty may need Help to overcome her traumatic encounter and return to her usual self

BetteJo said...

Oh, none of this bodes well.

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