Day to day musings of a cat minder/ sitter in North Tyneside and Newcastle upon Tyne . For details of services go to

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Friday, 16 May 2008

For cat lovers ( or temporary haters ) everywhere

Much speculation as a result of a post on the Wide Lawns Wide Lawns and Narrow Minds blog about why her cat would be standing on her head staring at her during the night , (which is something Kitty often does) , includes her fabulous cartoon drawing of her cat with the most amazing expression on its face .
There has been a veritable plethora of ideas as to why the cat is behaving like this , many inclining to the view that Ms Wide Lawns must be suffering some kind of disease or is pregnant and should in any event seek immediate medical assistance . If she wasn't ill before making the post I'm sure she is by now .
However someone posted the following clip from youtube which I found spectacularly accurate and I add for your amusement . let me know what you think .
Does this cat remind YOU of anyone ?

YouTube - Simon's Cat 'Cat Man Do'

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