Day to day musings of a cat minder/ sitter in North Tyneside and Newcastle upon Tyne . For details of services go to

Welcome to CatMinders

Welcome to CatMinders

Sunday, 18 May 2008

After an early start CatCalling ie looking for a missing cat which didn't come home last night , and still wasn't back by 8 am this morning and despite my best efforts , shouting all manner of endearments at the back of the house and sending her mate out onto the patio to help me , it was to no avail . I wasn't too concerned as the food left out over night had disappeared ( though I suppose a passing hedgehog could have had that ) but the cat-left-behind was definitely beginning to be concerned and was sniffing all over the lawn and around the garage and under the plants as if in expectation of a miracle . In the end there was nothing much more to be done . I sat in the leather armchair and read the Laura Ashley Catalogue from cover to cover and talked to Ms-left-behind as best I could in the sunshine , but in the end my growling stomach got the better of me , having come out before breakfast , and I headed for home and fresh coffee and rye toast and peanut butter .
Difficult to get started for some reason but once we got out at ten with Alice , the sailing club was a hive of activity with some kind of sailing lesson going on . The sun shone over the water and we picked our way over the rocks poking in the rock pools with Alice joining in the search for live beasties . Much calmer now when we are out , she seems to have almost recovered her equilibrium after the attack by the jack russell terrier and slippping her a biscuit as we pass any dog which looks vaguely interesting means she is distracted and tends to keep her mouth shut until we are safely past .

Still finding it impossible to get going , this afternoon I have been mostly fiddling about with sweet potato , coriander , curry paste , and salmon from a tin and am now ready to produce some Indian fish cakes when the moment is right ......

NB the cat is back .

Migraine Days

Migraine Days

Flower and Bee on a Sunday

Flower and Bee on a Sunday

art on a sunday

art on a sunday