Day to day musings of a cat minder/ sitter in North Tyneside and Newcastle upon Tyne . For details of services go to

Welcome to CatMinders

Welcome to CatMinders

Monday, 31 March 2008

Little boat in the bay putting down lobster pots , 6 30 am .

Last night ...

Alice arranges herself on the sofa near where we paint ..... with no help from anyone .....
And finally late this afternoon , the moment I've been waiting for , when I go upstairs to find Nat lying in bed with Alice stretched out happily beside her , grinning for England , and D commenting from the sidelines .... " Its just a one off isn't it , as Nat is ill ? "
then " I really don't think she should be allowed on the water bed, do you ? " and finally
" We can't allow her into the bathroom , there's where Kitty eats her dinner , she wouldn't like it ."

Alice stretches a bit more luxuriously and Nat rubs her tummy and says " there Baby " to her .
Make your own minds up .

A Mother's Intuition ?

Nat just doesnt do this .. come in half an hour earlier than her appointed time . Fix up her room as requested and then re appear downstairs announcing that she is tired, and proceed to snuggle with the dog . She's usually way too busy .
As we were eating she announced that being unable to close her underwear drawer she had done a head count and wished it to be known that she had a grand total of 75 pairs , not counting those currently in the washing system ( perhaps ten more ? ) . She did add " how sad is it that I would sit and count them ? "
D 's comment " That's about seventy one pairs more than your mother possesses" ( perhaps a slight exaggeration here but I'm glad to note my recent frugality is being noted . )
I just knew Nat wasn't well .
Later , at around midnight , after several announcements , she was sick poor lamb .
Now we 've all had the tummy upset , bar D . And he never gets anything like that . Men just don't , do they , despite their smoking , eating of cakes on a daily basis , and less frequent exercising than us . Funny that isnt it ? Or maybe its all the calories he burns running about after us and our dog ?

Migraine Days

Migraine Days

Flower and Bee on a Sunday

Flower and Bee on a Sunday

art on a sunday

art on a sunday