Some days I need memories of summer as I sit huddled listening to the storm .
Last Saturday Nat asked me what I might like for a Mother's Day present so I suggested a bar of anti oxidant chocolate .
Today when I went to town to conduct a financial transaction of my own and found myself perusing the Smelling Goods in John Lewis , eventually purchasing something for my own deserving Mother whilst there ( and one for me , so impressed was I by the smells ) , I concluded that had she instead presented me with the Grumpy Cow Uplifting Candle this could have been a source of some amusement for us both .
I would have loved to buy one but alas ! grumpy is not a word that could be readily applied to my mother or indeed her mother before her .
I think both my sister and me though would be prepared to hold our hands up to that one . It can't be genetic then can it ? Must be the pressures of Modern Life then . Or some such ?
Answers on a postcard please .....