Day to day musings of a cat minder/ sitter in North Tyneside and Newcastle upon Tyne . For details of services go to

Welcome to CatMinders

Welcome to CatMinders

Saturday 8 February 2014

New Blog? Or just revive the old one?

I'm still cat minding. But blogging has ground to a halt.

Writing hasn't. I've been writing in all different sorts of ways, mostly with a pen and ink. But cat minding probably needs boosting a little , with the demise of so many of my old friends , so here goes.

I'm now cat minding in a new way. In the old days I would find the cats. Or rather their families would ring me and I'd go out to meet them and it would take off from there. Now , that still happens , though less, probably because I haven't been to the vets in ages to replace my cards and I get the occasional call from the website, ok maybe twice I had calls that way , though every month I get people ringing to ask if I will take the cat that has turned up in their garden , or can I help them with a cat that's scaring them on their window sill or some such query.
Now though it seems cats are finding us.

Martin , see attached picture, has been living rough in the vicinity for ages.Likewise  another two cats  one at the back and another at the front of the house . Finally took pity on Martin and asked myself why am I keeping him out in these  freezing cold temperatures? No good reason. So he came in. M

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