Day to day musings of a cat minder/ sitter in North Tyneside and Newcastle upon Tyne . For details of services go to

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Welcome to CatMinders

Saturday 3 November 2007

Bliss.. I think my headache is lifting .
Another thing about Greyhounds , they are very popular out on the street . Took her out first thing again and realised how timid she is when faced with big aggressive looking dogs . there was no one around at seven am to speak off , but in our return she spotted a huge shaggy Alsation heading towards us , held on a lead by a man who realised before I did that Alice was getting scared . It became clear to me when she tried to cross the street and then pressed up tight to my legs . maybe she's been given a hard time by a big dog at some point in her life . Being a Rescue dog means we have to work all these things out . The man guided his dog past and she was fine .
Later in the morning I went with D to the European Farmers market held in the old station near us .... amazing stalls from Europe with huge hanks of sausages right above Alice s nose , all manner of fresh baked cakes and pastries in boxes at eye level , trays and trays of olives and cheeses of all description just where with a bit of a stretch she could grab . It was heaven for her , scary for me as I saw this morning how quick she can be when she wants to nick something ( the cats rejected food ) , she was off along the hall carrying the cats bowl before I had turned around . And everywhere , people wanting to stop and pet her , say hello to us and ask us did we rescue her , aren't greyhounds amazingly rewarding dogs etc etc . I had no idea greyhounds were so popular and evoked such passion and feeling .
We arrive back at the house in time for breakfast and within minutes three of the cats have been into carry out another brief inspection before going back to their vantage points on the landing . Jessie is probably the most curious today , Toby clearly the most alarmist as he tiptoes slowly slowly towards her , stops , looks , stops then silently and slowly reverses back out of the room , hardly appearing to move a muscle as he goes .

The Volterol last night worked well at chasing the migraine . I was awake at two am for a while and came down to lie on the sofa and talk to Alice . No howling though , so that problem seems to have been quickly resolved .
I fall asleep into dreams of wierd stuff.
I am in another country and need to see a doctor after some serious problem , perhaps my heart . A private doctor agrees to see me at her home and whilst she is considering what tests to gve me , another woman appears , a blonde haired woman in her early thirties , with a young child . The woman joins my consultation and I am surprised . The doctor tells me she wants to meet this woman , who I then notice is connected to a feeding tube ( into her tummy ) . I am then told she has had to buy herself a new lung which has been installed . I am led to believe that she has a very limited life span .
We go out into the Doctor's garden and she encourages us to play with some kittens there . I realise one of them is half kitten half rabbit , rabbit's face and tail and cat body . I take a photograph .

I remember how Volterol always gave me bad dreams when I was hospitalised with migraine when I was pregnant . I was in a single room in an old maternity hospital in Newcastle , the Princess Mary ( which closed before I gave birth ) . The room was big and old fashioned by todays standards and had two balconies leading from windows. I was always hot and had the windows open but the voile curtains pulled as the light bothered me . The voile would blow in the breeze and I would wake sweating in the night , convinced there was a presence , possibly a burglar , on the balcony watching me . The nurses told me it was the Volterol causing the bad dreams and not to worry .

The girls have taken Alice out and I hear the pattering of little cat paws , all coming down to check that she is out .....


Lisa said...

Hi. Loves your cats and congrats on the adoption of your newest four legged family member. Sounds like your Greyhound is one lucky pup.

I haven't tried Volterol for migraines. Does it help (other than the wierd dreams)?

BetteJo said...

Sounds like Alice is going to be a bit of a stranger to those cats for a while. One or more of mine would have been hissing and spitting at her by now, or at least swatted her on the nose, so if yours are pretty much just checking her out - that's GOOD!

Migraine Days

Migraine Days

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Flower and Bee on a Sunday

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art on a sunday