Day to day musings of a cat minder/ sitter in North Tyneside and Newcastle upon Tyne . For details of services go to

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Welcome to CatMinders

Saturday 28 July 2007


Insurance assessor , having walked to the bottom of the yard and scrutinised the roof from there , then perched on the basin in the attic bathroom ( no mean feat ) and pointed his camera out in the general direction of the offending region and taken a few snaps , declares he does not see lost slates and suggests the slates found in our yard ( but Tidied Away and not kept as eveidence ) must have flown off Another Roof . When I ask what the clearly visible hole (which even I can see with my bare eyes ) signifies , he says its just the flashing which has sunk a bit . he suggests we need someone to go up there and clear away the debris and all will be well .

I can't dispute this with any authority as Roofing Man who seemed to think differently , has not sent a quote yet , not have we any actual evidence that he took the ladder and went up to make his own assessement , and as Debbie told me today when we met for coffee , he and his crowd are moving offices and are therefore likely to be incommunicado for some time .

Assessing man may be right , but it was not what I wanted to hear , as now I have to try to organise someone to go onto the roof for clearing debris purposes and I have a feeling this is going to be tricky to arrange as it is likely to be classified as one of those little jobs that no one quite wants to be bothered to tackle . Meanwhile , whilst it remains untackled , we continue to have a seepage problem and thus no point in getting on with the decorating .

Everything is always so complicated and hassling men to do things is not one of my strong points , as preferring to read a book or write for pleasure myself , or even look after a cat , rather than do anything vaguely constructive , chasing others to do my bidding always seems much more time consuming than doing it myself .

Oh well . Something will turn up .

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