Day to day musings of a cat minder/ sitter in North Tyneside and Newcastle upon Tyne . For details of services go to

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Welcome to CatMinders

Friday 15 June 2007

Pound Puppies 8 Mini Baby POUND PUPPIES Looking For A Mum!!! (item 200119449053

Fenwicks had no pound puppies ..... have been searching for Pound Puppies as the cats love them , the mini ones measuring about 5 cm . Kitty unearthed one from somewhere in the house recently and yowls and carries it about like a kitten , so as a means of placating her after Furrball Incident this morning we tried to find another . It would appear they're no longer available but have managed to locate several on ebay and have placed a bid ( my first ebay bid ever how about that ) . Disappointing to note that there are three days left to go before I discover whether the pound puppies ( mini ) are mine , but all adds to life's rich tapestry . I had no idea there were so many versions of pound puppies , which N tells me were originally avilable free from McDonalds ...what a memory she has . Furries , yappies , minis , newborns , the list goes on .

Meanwhile we need another way to appease the scary monster that is Kitty .

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