Day to day musings of a cat minder/ sitter in North Tyneside and Newcastle upon Tyne . For details of services go to

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Welcome to CatMinders

Thursday 14 June 2007

If looks could kill ...

Kitty ( pictured right ) sits on the table looking out of the window surveying the scene and with her back to the room has a Do Not Disturb look as she tries to focus on the next door cat who is prancing in her garden . She leans forward and taps angrily on the window , her paw making circular movements as if she were cleaning it with a duster . I wish . Furious that she cannot deter him , she leans back and pulls herself to her full height , only her large bulk and rolls of flesh detracting from her elegance . The uneasy silence is broken as Jessie ( left ) takes a running jump and hits the table , sliding fast to land next to her , pushing her slightly in the process . They square up to each other but via some unwritten code reach an understanding and five minutes later , the picture . Only those in the know would recognise the look on Kitty s face , and attempt to steer clear for the day


Anonymous said...

She is clearly plotting a kitkat chunky

MsCatMinder said...

and on that note I am tempted to publish that series of pics where someone is stretching over stealing her son s food , in three parts ....

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